Our essence
Building a project for the expansion of your business is a huge step that should be taken with the help of an expert who can assist you, make suggestions, and execute a functioning task that meets your goals.
Our work at Abitat Construction Solutions creating efficient architectural designs and executions for your investment is based on these 3 pillars:
1. World-class design and construction:
Creating the highest quality architectural and engineering designs for conceptualization and development that fulfill project requirements and customer expectations in collaboration with execution disciplines.
2. Safety before, during and after performance:
Clear understanding of building use for the creation of risk analysis for each phase in the life of the project:
Before: Consider safety from the design stage to reduce potential risks during construction and operation.
During: Inspection and implementation of preventative measures to reduce construction-related risks.
After: Considers how to keep the client safe while the building is in use.
3. Personalized treatment:
We focus on developing long-term relationships with our clients, suppliers, and contractors so that we can handle projects of various sizes and complexities.
We provide our clients with valuable construction solutions by obtaining and developing the greatest staff and using industry best practices.
Our goal is to be the best operated company in the private construction industry in Mexico.
Acting in a way that prevents and protects colleagues, clients, and contractors.
We are committed to protecting our clients’ interests and meeting their needs.
We ensure the highest quality requirements in each of the projects to be executed.
We actively join efforts of different people for the realization of activities and projects.
Compatible connection between what is stated and agreed with what is carried out and delivered.
In our daily actions, we act with honesty and morality, establishing confidence with our customers and suppliers.
It is our obligation to oversee and own the successful completion of our tasks.
Mensaje del Director
A lo largo de los últimos 30 años, en Abitat hemos crecido y perfeccionado cada uno de nuestros procesos lo que nos ha llevado a tener una presencia consolidada en todo el país. En este tiempo hemos cumplido cada una de las metas que nos hemos propuesto y hemos trabajado para siempre ofrecer un servicio de clase mundial brindando valor agregado a cada uno de nuestros proyectos.
Nuestra visión y el impulso de nuestra empresa es ser la empresa en la industria de la construcción mejor operada de México y todas nuestras acciones van encaminadas para serlo. Creemos en el trabajo en equipo, en optimizar los recursos y en crear relaciones a largo plazo con nuestros colaboradores, proveedores y clientes.
Tenemos un compromiso con la seguridad, buscamos cero accidentes en cada uno de nuestros proyectos. Para lograrlo contamos con un programa permanente de capacitación y supervisión que incluye medidas y controles que aseguran que cada uno de nuestros trabajadores regrese a casa con su familia.
Como Director, me enorgullece nuestro comprometido equipo de trabajo que demuestra día con día que con preparación y determinación se pueden superar los más grandes retos.
Experience in Mexico
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